Wake Up With Barry Bonds Mondays - Bonds Hits The First Splash Down Bomb Into McCovey Cove

Home runs into water always look cool, I think every MLB stadium should be forced to have water or a moat beyond the fence, but anyways, there really could only be one guy that hit the first Splash Down homer, right? Bonds christened the waters of McCovey Cove with this longgggg homer that seemed to hang up there forever. When his home run balls are coming down it seems like they are in slow motion, I can't explain it any other way. The announcers of the Giants are the god damn best too, they were soooooo good at calling Bonds' home runs, just perfect. Barry reached McCovey Cove a cool 35 times, not a big deal or anything. It's not that uncommon to see guys homer into it, happens a few times a year, but when Barry was up in the box, you had dozens of boats sitting out in the cove. Those are the real diehard fans, sitting in a kayak with a handheld radio waiting for Bonds to come up with your fishing net in hand. I salute you.

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